Playlist: Tunes That Got Me Through Freshman Year


Dear Emerson’s Class of 2025, 

Welcome to freshman year, quite possibly one of the best years of your lives! This time around will be drastically different for you than it was for me, but I wanted to share a playlist filled with tracks that defined the quintessential moments of my freshman year. “Tunes That Got Me Through Freshman Year” features the ten songs that were my bible as I was finding my place in the world you will soon exist in. The transition from home, wherever that may be, to college will mean different things to all of you; hold on to that memory, it’ll help you out later. These songs helped me through every trial and tribulation, and I hope they can do the same for you. A word to the wise: if you feel yourself falling into an existential crisis about becoming an adult, talk it out with someone! I can guarantee that you’re not alone in feeling that everything is happening too fast; it’s normal and it will subside. Just remember, you and every other freshman in LB are in this together — if we survived, so will you. 

I wish you the best of luck and the utmost fun. It’ll be great!

Until we meet later this month, 


P.S. For the most authentic and effective listening experience, I would recommend plugging in some headphones and going for a stroll around the Commons and Public Garden. Although both locations are beautiful at any time, rainy days and post-sunset skies provide a certain serenity and scenery that really solidifies the vibe of this playlist.

Frankie Rowley