Playlist: Rot in Hell March!

The end of Valentine’s Day festivities marks the beginning of the monotonous wait for Spring and, of course, Pisces season — a time of fresh starts. So while red and pink colored streamers are torn down and your roses begin to wilt, you may be wondering if that relationship you're in is meant to last. Without the expectations February brings, the March relationship blues begin to fester.

As a keen observer of everything and everyone around me, I’ve been able to decipher a set of patterns that occur around this time of year. Through friends’ anecdotes, through-the-grapevine whispers and unintended eavesdropping (emphasis on unintended), I have noticed that couples tend to break up after Valentine's season. It makes sense, really. February is cold and there’s nothing to do but find someone to cuddle up to and post with to make our lives seem fulfilled and interesting. But sooner or later, we get sick of it, or — and here’s where the arrow in our chest really stings — our partners get sick of us.

It’s sad, but it’s also upsetting, an emotion we often don’t let ourselves feel. Before we start the healing process, we should be allowed to ruminate in our not-so-positive or healthy emotions. If you want to throw darts at their picture, egg their car, or fill their air vents with the moldy chocolate strawberries they mindlessly gave you last month, feel that anger, letting it linger with a little bit of music. 

playlistsMarianna Orozco