Playlist: life will never be this easy

I spent so much of my formative childhood years in the car, traveling. Whether it was driving from Nevada to Washington state and back every summer or the 45 minute car rides to school every morning, I spent so much of my time in the car, listening to the music on the radio. This was before the days of Bluetooth and satellite radio for my family, so we listened to alternative pop hits on the radio every day. The good part about having such long drives at very sporadic times was that most songs didn’t repeat for us.

Most other kids were listening to the newest Justin Bieber (post-prison days, of course) or Taylor Swift song instead of what their parents liked, but I didn’t care. I liked songs that would create scenes in my head. I could listen to them and be instantly transported to another world.

I treat these songs both as a throwback to that car travel time and as a way to feel as if I’m living another life. Another easier life. A life right out of a teen coming-of-age movie where nothing really matters in the end and everything is easy by simple relativity.

By simple relativity, I strictly mean there are no stakes applicable to the protagonist's situation outside of the ones presented in the story. Most coming-of-age films deal with growing as a person and figuring out what makes you happy. The main characters aren’t thinking about the demise of capitalism or the rising climate crisis. These throwbacks reminisce about a time when the collapse of democracy wasn’t something I had to worry about. My biggest problem was whether or not I was getting an Uncrustable for lunch or chicken tenders. 

Take these 20 songs and let them tell a story in your head. Maybe it’ll spark some creativity as well.

playlistsOlivia Lindquist