Playlist: Walking to Class While It's Still Winter
By Casey Richards-Bradt
Image courtesy of Casey Richards-Bradt
Let’s be honest: you weren’t made for winter. You like Boston best when it’s a lazy Saturday and you’re out on a picnic blanket, skyscrapers reflecting the sun. Instead, it’s a weekday in the guts of wintertime and the devil himself put all your classes in Ansin this semester. You’re tired of pretending like you’re not peeved.
They should have given Boston the title of The Windy City. The nipping roar creates a wind tunnel through the Boylston alley that makes you dread the three minute journey. You were manifesting something optimistic from that groundhog this year, but it’s been a shadowy February and the snow refuses to quit. Outside of the entrance, you’ll be forced to confront meandering clusters of walkers impossible to manuever around. The snow will whip your neck as you wait for the sputtering slush and horns to cease at the intersection. In the elevator, your stomach will be found by a stranger’s backpack as you travel toward another required intro class—but it could be worse. You haven’t resorted to screaming in the elevator. That’s because you’ve got your headphones, and there are a lot of angsty musicians who yell about your winter burn-outs and breakdowns louder than you can.