Playlist: Paint Me Like One of Your French Girls

I think I’m naturally drawn towards creative people. It’s probably because we’re cool as fuck. Our endeavors, whether they be music or cameras or dance, are basically superpowers. Hanging around other creatives is like hanging around really artsy, stylish and innovative superheroes; who wouldn’t want to do that? My friends shock, motivate, and inspire me, all at the same time. But dating an artist is a whole different story, a whole other layer. Watching my essence come alive in blazing colors of pink, purple and blue, knowing that my girlfriend has the capacity at anytime to craft me a spider ring or patterned vase, trying not to cry when they show me the magical, moonlit painting they’ve done of me: these are things that only a few people experience, sometimes only once in a lifetime. We’re not even a full month into our relationship (it’s true; lesbians do move fast), but I am already so impressed and moved by my partner’s genuine talent. This playlist, “Paint Me Like One Of Your French Girls,” attempts to capture the feelings I feel whenever I am surrounded by their art, especially their art of me.

playlistsDaphne Bryant